Thursday, July 15, 2010

I have been considering how to implement action research into my schedule as an aspiring administrator. At the beginning of the week, this assignment seemed so overwhelming I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I have learned so much in just a few short days though.

I think one of the most important things I've learned is that action research is embedded in the day just like lesson planning or recess duty. That realization (that it's not another thing to add to the list) is so empowering. I can plan the research, implement the plan, and use the information gained from it to be more effective in an area that I choose. I also noted that it doesn't mean to throw out all of the work that others have done in the past. Use some of the tradational research on the topic as supplemental information on the journey.

Finding coworkers to collaborate and discuss the research with is important, though may be a bigger hurdle than it seems as administrators and teachers are very busy in their own areas. I plan to discuss action research at our first PLC this fall.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, at the beginning of this week's assignment I was so overwhelmed and very concerned because I was not able to come up with an inquiry. I too have learned a lot by completing this assignment especially from the reading. It gave me a whole different perspective of what action research was and like you I was able to invision it becoming part of my daily work instead of another activity that would have to be somehow worked into my already busy scheudle.
